About Ian Owens

Ian Owens, son of John, son of Frederick, son of John is descended from a long line of unsettled settlers hailing from Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and even Russia, which might explain why New England winters seem delightfully mild. A born writer, Ian nevertheless took a forty-five year career detour to become learned in the ways of science, employing himself as a consultant to manufacturing enterprises. When this work inevitably numbs him mind, body and soul he takes to the road: solo treks across the Scottish highlands, tandem cycling across North America, an impulsive relocation to New Zealand, or exploring ancient mysteries in the secret places of old-world Europe. All of it is fuel for stories. His first book, Riding the Big One: In the Wake of My Ancestors, marks a first (and probably last) in modern publishing: the genre of Biking-Viking. His next book is well underway: the true historical fictional account of the Norse explorations of North America.

Reykjavik, Iceland

What’s next?

Merki: The World’s Edge

In 1477 a young Christopher Columbus made a perilous voyage to Thule — Iceland. What is not widely known, his writings of this voyage having been lost, is that he also visited Greenland, where he met the last surviving member of the Viking-Age colony established by Eirik The Red.

Then What?

A World War II Epic

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